Mr. Mac

Mr. Mac
A Classroom is a Community

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Things That Happen!

     Every educator out there...whether you are a rookie or a veteran...has some tale to tell regarding any number of funny, humorous, or hysterical events that have happened in the classroom.  Something a student said, something a student did, or something YOU (The teacher) did or said that caused a chuckle, a belly laugh, or a roll-on-the-floor fit of hysterics!  Most of these events will stay with us that most sacred part of our memories.  Of course, no matter what happens in your room, and no matter how funny, always laugh WITH the kid or kids...and not at them.
     Anyway...several years ago I was teaching a unit on the Bill of Rights.  It took a couple of days, but we had gone through all Ten Amendments, and completed a few assignments along the way.  Considering I live in an area where hunting is a favorite pastime for many (Young and old alike), I chose the second amendment, and developed a fairly straight forward assignment.  First, we discussed this amendment again, and why our forefathers thought it important to have it in our Constitution.  This particular Amendment always evokes discussion, and without fail we all did so. 
       I explained to my students what their assignment was.  I handed out a prompt that they each were to respond to.  I then gave them each 20 minutes to write their response.  The prompt simply asked...
"In this day and age, do you think we still need the right to bear arms?  Give me your answer, then explain why you feel the way you feel."
     I told them to begin. 
     The kids were excited, because they knew that I would give each student a chance to read their responses aloud, and I also alluded to the fact that we might even have a classroom debate...for the amendment vs. against the amendment.
     As I walked around, I admired how diligently my kids were working...especially the hunters.  After about fifteen minutes one of students raised her hand.  I went to her... I could see that she had a whole page and half of work completed.
     "Mr. Mac, you know those shirts people wear...they have straps over your shoulders and no sleeves?" She asked.
     "Tank-tops." I offered.  
     She nodded enthusiastically. 
     "Why do you want to know about tank-tops?"  I asked pointedly.  "What has that got to do with your assignment right now?"
     "Oh everything!"  She said.  "I wear those tank-tops all the time in the summer.  I bear my arms at my house, at the store, at the beach.  I think everyone should have the right to bear their arms."

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