Mr. Mac

Mr. Mac
A Classroom is a Community

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Creating a Classroom Atmosphere

     Creating a positive classroom atmosphere vital for every teacher, but this doesn't happen overnight.  Let me clarify "Positive classroom atmosphere."  When your students feel safe, know the rules, know what you (The teacher) will accept and what you will not tolerate, know what the daily expectations are regarding everything from sharpening pencils to subject transition, and...just like Newton's 3rd law...your students know that for every action there is an equal, or opposite reaction. 
     Once all of these things are in place, you will have a classroom atmosphere, and environment tailor made for learning.  Don't expect everything to happen at once.  It will take a few weeks.  This makes sense, doesn't it?  It takes a bit of time for you to know your kids, and for your kids to know you.  This is key!  You must KNOW your kids.  Not collectively, not just as a class, but individually.  Of course it is easier for our kids to know us...they each only have one person to digest...just make sure that the teacher they are getting to know is real.  What I mean by that is...say what you mean, and mean what you say. 
     Be consistent, be stern when warranted, but most importantly be open and fun.  It takes more effort on our part to be strictly academic or "All business" when it comes to lessons.  Infusing lessons with fun and creativity is so much easier!  You know the saying..."It takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile?"  The same philosophy applies here.
     Of course, like our students are individuals so are teachers.  All teachers can have fun, but NOT all teacher are fun?  Some teachers have a wealth of "Fun" to tap into, while others...let's just say their account is overdrawn!
      Lastly for this entry...when you are onstage (In front of your kids) let them all know that YOU know how boring some subjects can be.  Validate how they feel...all of us felt the way our kids feel at one time!  Once you have validated your them (Don't just tell them) that "Boring" is not in your vocabulary!

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