Mr. Mac

Mr. Mac
A Classroom is a Community

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The End Isn't Final!

     Today my kids had their last hurrah in the Wolf Den.  We gathered in the classroom at first bell, then went to the gymnasium and watched quite a few JBM teachers sing, dance, perform in drag, and exhibit fun filled skits for the entire student body.  It was awesome! 
     We returned to the classroom with just enough time to talk a bit, then it was So Long time.  I kept the funny/lighthearted conversation going right up to the end, because I knew that as soon as I began to say..."Well, the time has come to say...."  I would have become a bit more emotional than I would have liked.  It is not that I am afraid to show emotion...I teach to the contrary, it was just...well, I am not really sure why I did that.  Last year I was a blubbering idiot...guess I didn't want to revisit that.
     Once the buses, filled to capacity with kids off to begin their summer vacations, left the grounds, I did a quick clean-up of my classroom, then made my way to the High School for the annual end of the year luncheon. 
     My God!  The place was filled to the brim with educators, administrators, custodians, secretaries, paras, and cafeteria workers.  As I walked through the place, saying hello to this person and that, I got into the food line (I was hungry).  The line moved fairly quickly...I got my plate, and found my seat (Saved by my BFF, and favorite teacher), sat and ate.  The food was delicious.  As I cleaned my plate, I scanned the vicinity and saw so many faces from my past.  Teachers that had once taught me, still going strong.  Educators who taught my son, and were still going strong.  So many who had the same day as I...saying goodbye to our kids.
     One of the highlights was sitting across from the District Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Augustus.  She is an outstanding Math/Science/Social Studies teacher at JBM.  It is customary that the District TOY make a speech at the end of the year luncheon, as well as lead the entire congregation in the Pledge of Allegiance.  I could see that Mrs. Augustus was a tad bit nervous...she had a bit of stage-fright.  I could also see the strength within her overriding this fear.  Finally she did her duty.  Her Pledge was inspiring, and her speech was flawless.  It pertained to teachers being likened to super heroes, and it was spot on!  I was very proud of our own Mrs. Augustus.
     The ultimate highlight of the luncheon (Of the day!) was when one of my son's teachers came over to me.  She had his folder that contained his report card (He did not attend the last day of school to get his report card...the Middle School kids got out at 9:30...he stayed home).  Inside the folder I first found his promotion document...he will be a freshman in high school next year!  Tears welled seeing that.  Then his report card (Which was awesome) followed by his Honor Roll certificate!  I was so proud I couldn't stand it!
     Back to the luncheon.  The procession of speakers commenced, and the customary introductions of this educator and that, of this academic accomplishment and that.  We celebrated those who are retiring, and those who have 3 decades in!  We celebrated our ARTS Departments as Hometown Heroes.  We even celebrated those with perfect attendance.  Our own Principal, Mr. Prillaman, was honored for having 12 years of perfect attendance...amazing!  I have never done anything perfect for 12 minutes, let alone 12 years!
     By 2:15 it was all over.  I returned to JBM and my empty classroom.  I began the tasks of closing out the year (Paperwork, chair stacking, etc.).  Sitting there, I realized (As I do every year) that this day is the end of the 2010-2011 school year, but that doesn't mean finality, or over-and-done.  The end of every school year marks the beginning of a new one!  A new year of frightened young people into the Wolf's Den.  A new year of learning, and unlearning.  A new year of mistakes, and good choices.  A new year of growth, and progress.  A new chance to once again open my heart to 30 young minds.  A new chance to hope that I am able to make a difference to at least one of them.

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