This post will read as something familiar, but only to the few who actually read my rantings. My fondest hope has been to hook novice teachers into reading my intention being to aid future educators in their classroom life. I feel the need to repeat myself this time, because the end of the world doth approach! In case you haven't heard the Mayan calendar comes to an end just a few days before Christmas this year. I want to make sure that I have stated...emphatically stated...what I deem as important classroom management "Must do's" as well as some well-meaning advice for you (Who ever you are reading this) so that you never give up educating, or so that you stop pulling your hair out because there is SO MUCH TO DO, and SO LITTLE TIME to do it during your school day. If this most recent Doomsday Prophecy is like the 500 others over the last 100 years that have proven to be as true as Squat, bubkus, or pay increases for educators then...carry on. Simply carry on being an awesome educator.
Below you will find a bulleted list of To Do's, Not to Do's, Advice, and anything else I feel that is important for an educator to know. Before I go on, I do have to say that I know (We all know) that there are many teachers out there that have been teaching far longer than I...longer than you...longer than GOD! Most are awesome...some simply NEED to retire. Whether you are an Old Gray Mare, or a Grizzled Old Bull...please consider retiring!? I say this to the stubborn ones...the ones we all had while in school (And they are still teaching!), the ones who stated it and expected us to get it. The ones who wrote it on the chalk board and expected us to comprehend it! The ones who never understood when WE didn't understand. This list is for them too! I am somewhat intelligent and realize that these Old Mares and Bulls would never deem any of my New Age insights, and/or advice as credible. My hippie logic is far beneath their notice. No worries here...the Mayans have it in for them too! I know this sounds harsh. I do not mind being thought of as harsh. goes! A brief list of what I do, and though I may not be the best educator that ever lived...I have a blast in my classroom with my kids!
* Go in like a lion, and remain so! Don't be afraid to roar if you have too...this can quickly bring the attention back to the matter.
* Don't put every grade in your grade book! Allow the kids to practice without fear of failure! Your kids will master any subject, any topic if they are allowed to fail in the beginning!
* Consider your class as a collective, but also as 30 individuals that must be engaged, educated, entertained, and evaluated.
* Be confident and stand your ground. Accept no disrespect! If you must roar...roar at what your kid did more than at the kid himself.
* Be honest. A kid can spot a phony from a mile away.
* Demand honesty in your classroom...easier said than done I know. Most kids have learned to be quite capable liars. You must show them that no matter what happened YOU will stand with them IF they are honest.
* Personal notes. Write your kids notes now and again, and leave them on their desks in the morning. Something congratulatory, or a simple 'I am so proud of you" goes a long way.
* Give students responsibilities in the classroom, and make sure that only the most trustworthy of your kids get this perk. You will find that the have-nots will want to have!
* Validate your kids! Most find Math boring, or Social Studies. Be honest...let them know YOU know this. This honesty also goes a long way with kids (Of any age!)
* Slip in some fun...everyday! I have heard so many educators whine that there isn't enough time in the day for fun! BULL-PUCKEY! Tell a joke! Have the kids get up and stretch. Play the Macarena and have the kids do the takes all of 3.15 seconds!
* If you establish a boring, humdrum classroom where it is work, work, work from 9am to 3pm you are only giving your kids what YOU hated most about your own school experience. Infuse some fun...some comedy. Give your kids a reason to make it through the dull times.
* Your kids must earn trust, but YOU must also earn theirs. Stay true to your matter what!
* Let your kids into your life, if you do not...they will never let you into theirs!
* Praise, reward, congratulate whenever it is warranted. Seize every opportunity to raise your kids up! You will find that most have never been higher than the ground they walk on. Make it your job to lift them higher than they have ever been!
* Establish Math Helpers, or Grammar Helpers, etc. Kids helping kids is awesome! Most of the time a student will achieve concept attainment quicker with a peer at the helm!
* Most of your kids! There is a place in all children that needs to be disciplined. Even your most hardened kids will eventually respond to consistent, structured discipline. I DO NOT mean for hurtful, or belittling behavior on your part towards your students. I NOT stand for any form of disrespect to you or to others. Roar if you must, but always end with talking...that part...that secret part in every child will realize that you care, as long as you discipline from the heart and not your anger button!
* DO NOT use the principal or counselor for problems that YOU yourself should handle. Let your kids know that it is you and them against the world, and together you can do anything. YOU handle the problem, you handle the discipline. Parents also should not be called for every single whip-stitch! Unless it is a serious school infraction...YOU and the kid handle it together! This establishes dialogue, and stimulates trust.
* Infuse your day with lessons about life as well as academics. Take a few minutes to teach, or to UNteach behaviors. Talk to the kids not at them. Be with them always.
* A happy kid...a kid that feels safe is a kid that will move mountains! Even on the days when you have to ROAR, and roar some more...stay the course. Let your kids know that you do not love them any less, and teach them how to fix any problem, or burst through any obstacle that they may encounter!
* If you have a sixth sense...develop it. My kids know that I have eyes in the back of my head, and that I can smell a lie from across the room. If you have this sixth sense, awesome. If you don't...fake it!
* Make sure that your kids know that they...each one of them...are the most special kids around! My kids are to me. How could they not be...they are MY kids! I am entrusted with are entrusted with yours. Make them special in your life!